Sleeping on Trains and My New Apartment (unrelated)

New Pad in Murky Waters
First I'd like to thank everyone who sent some advice on the apartment hunt. I think I was just looking for a good push in the direction I wanted to go, and everybody seemed on the same page as me too. So, here it is, my soon-to-be apartment!
I'll be living very close to Osaka's oldest red-light district, Tobita Shinchi. According to a Japan Times article, it's been in operation since 1912. Maybe not a good place to tour with the folks, but honestly it's really fascinating. Let me clear it up here though, I've never paid for sex, nor will I; I'm personally over the moral dilemma of it, but I really don't see the point in paying for something, that's so much more fun, and safer, when it's free. But the setup is really fascinating. it's basically a district of storefronts, and at each store there is one woman sitting in a kimono on display in a very bright, nicely decorated room. Near the front of the store sits the oba-chan (Eng. trans. "grandmother," or "old lady") with a mirror at both sides of the storefront, giving her a good view of who's coming and going. The oba-chan, is kind of the pimp of the situation, though I imagine there's muscle around somewhere if needed. She invites guys in based on what the girl approves; in alot of cases they might say no foreigners, so the oba-chan will be ready and waiting with her forearms making an "X" in front of her (the Japanese gesture for "no"). On the other hand, the girl might be okay with foreigners, so when I guy like me walks by the oba-chan will say hello and welcome me to her store, usually making me irrupt in a fit of giggles and walking away with my head down like a schoolboy. Anyway, I bit of history you won't get in the classroom.
As for the less seedy side of my new place, I'll be a short bike ride to Namba and Tennoji--the big downtown spots here in Osaka--and just a few blocks form Den Den Town and Geek Street. Yes, all the electronics, maids, and animae I can handle. Don't worry, I won't be there too often. Though it will be nice to geekout here and there. (Pictures of the pad below! Notice, I gotta supply everything!)
Sleeping Together on Trains
As for sleeping on trains, I'm not sure if I posted on this before, but it really is a phenomonon worth mentioning again and again. Everybody here flatout sleeps on the train. Think of your commute as naptime. Folks will just passout on whoever might be next to them. It really makes for some interesting people watching. Once I saw a young girl, maybe 20, passed-out on an old salary man's (i.e. businessman) shoulder, and the salaryman was passed out on her head. It was something you could imagine young siblings doing, but I think these two were going to wake up to a lot of apologys and bowing. You'll see alot of folks sway, as well. Trying to stay awake, or at least up right, they'll move like trees in the breeze of our fishbowl subway car moving and stopping, moving and stopping. Here's some good documentation on it from Youtube. Don't be freaked out by the girl wearing here hat on her face, she's using it to block the sun for her Zs. #1 and #2. Sometimes young guys (well, old guys too) who've partied too hard will take off their shoes and just lie down.
Well, talking about sleep is really taking it out of me. So I'm outta here. Be in touch.
Wow, I like the 'Hitachi' pillar and the lights in that photo! I used to sleep on my commute home but I missed my stop a few times- won't be doing that again :D Looks like a nice apartment!
hoi polloi, At
12:37 PM
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