Thirteen Hours in the Future!

Wednesday, January 31, 2007

The Mystery Vortex (Which as I Wrote Became to be Mostly about Porn)

It's strange that I've been here for four months. When I think about it, it seems like the time went so fast, like I just got here. Well, sometimes. Othertimes I feel like I actually live here. Like this is life as it's been for several years. I mean, I went to the bookstore today, and I swear to God the sales clerk kind of knew what I was saying and (even scarier) I kind of understood her. To make matters worse, when I point at myself (which I do alot more too) instead of pointing at my chest I put my index-finger on the tip of my nose, which is what everyone over here does. I think when I get back to the States I'm going to get beat-up for this. Hell, if you saw it, you'd think I deserve it.

Other strange habits I've picked up: When I say goodbye to Japanese friends I say "see you," but I don't just say "see you" I say it like this: "SEEEEEE YOUUUUUUUU." And whatelse... Oh, I speak superslow, which I guess will balance me out, becuase I think many American's had trouble understanding my mumbling. Those are the worst I can think of right now, but I'm sure there's many other's that will come up when I finally come back to my old planet.

Oh and another really fun thing about Japan that you won't see in the Animae: Gangsta rap is huuuuuge here. It's funny too, because they have no idea what the words mean. You'll be sitting in McDonald's or walking around a department store without paying much attention, when all of the sudden you realize the song on the stereo is about killing snitches or having sex in some of the raunchiest ways you may or may not have experimented with.

Then again, maybe they do know the lyrics, or some of them. Modesty is a much different creature out here. It's not uncommon to see some boobs on network TV, whether in a prime time movie or on this striptease photo-shoot show that advertises love hotels in the Osaka area. Or so I've been told. There's also alot of very open poster advertisements for S&M shows all over the city. Well, occasionally. Look, it's not just me noticing this stuff. Still, it's a little strange to be walking around the city, looking for a bite to eat or a checking out all the strange stores, and find yourself wondering why this bare chested woman is tied up with a red ball a'la Pulp Fiction in her mouth. I'm certain that most of this is a result of the mosaic law they have about porn here.

Huh? Oh yeah, somebody told me about this too... Really, I'm not some kind of pervert now that I'm here (at least no worse than before) but these things are really interesting. In fact, I've had a great idea for a dissertation if I ever decided to get a PhD in Anthropology about the porn of different cultures, but that can wait. So, yeah, for some reason it's illegal to show genitalia in Japanese porn. I think this might have been something the U.S. demanded back in the occupation days. So any porn (not cartoons though) has to have all the sweet spots mosaiced out. It my opinion that this has led to an explosion of fetish...

And I think I'll stop there and get on to some innocuous pictures.

OSAKA JOE!!!! Well, Actually Osakajo.

Mmmmmm, lunch. Oh and everybody who likes raw Octopus (not featured in pic) back home (I know there's so many of you), it actually taste good here.

Language exchange gone dangerously distracted:


  • Wow, porn without genitalia. In the Netherlands it's ALL out in the open. They even have a musuem dedicated to sex. Let's just say I saw pictures of things I didn't know people could do. ( I shudder as I type this).

    Glad to know that you are learning new things and passing the knowledge along. Can't wait until the next entry.

    By Anonymous Anonymous, At 11:14 AM  

  • Steeeeve! This is the first time I've checked into your blog and I read the whole thing straight through, cracking up. I lost it with Colonel Sanders, and what were you thinking eating raw chicken? Anyways, your porn post explained many things about the fascination with naked anime girls.

    By Anonymous Anonymous, At 12:22 PM  

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