First Day of the Actual Job

This was a funny picture that I saw on the Commute of Hell. Oddly enough, it seems like the kind of ad that Hell would sponser. I mean, I'm all about kids eating beef, I just feel that they shouldn't go rip it from the side of a living cow. (Notice the dark trail of blood beneath brutus' little tootsies.)
Anyway, let me say first off that my job is actually pretty cool. I work waaay out of the city, and it seems pretty chill. But the problem was Nova's (once again) expert directions department. If it wasn't for a lot of trial and error, and many more kind people, I would have likely straved to death a week from now some where in Fuse (pronounced "Foo-say," much more embrassing than dying in a place called "Fuse."). Oh, and as for those many people, let me tell you, there were some that sucked. For example, when I got to the right train, I wanted to be sure, so I began saying "Hyotanayam" (the name of the place I was heading to) to the people by the door and pointing at the train. The one guy didn't even look at me, some lady looked at me like I was crazy. Looking back at it, I could imagine walking up to a train in Boston yelling "Park Street!" and I'd probably come off pretty crazy. (Once again, be kind to your local immigrant!)
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